Dr. Sue Dyson is widely known as one of the world's premier specialists in equine orthopedics.
In addition to 37 years of clinical practice serving thousands of horses, from Olympic competitors to beloved ponies, Dr. Dyson has published over 400 research papers, co-edited and authored textbooks on lameness and imaging, as well as consulting and lecturing worldwide.
Sue is also a lifelong rider and has produced horses from novice to top national level in eventing and show jumping, including horses that competed internationally up to the Olympic level.
Her key interests are:
improving the diagnosis of lameness and poor performance, and
maximising the opportunity for horses to fulfil their athletic potential at whatever level
taking a holistic approach to the horse, rider and tack combination.
Her personal experience with challenging horses and those with underlying physical problems has given her great insight into factors that influence a horse’s athletic ability and trainability.

Sue trained Otterburn who competed at the World Equestrian Games at 8 years of age